Palm Beach Stars


Please write us an email at to get information about dates and places.


To participate in the Palm Beach Stars tryouts you must follow the following steps:

1- Download and fill the following documents

A- Waiver

2- Pay the registration to the tryout in our shop

Click here to access to the shop and payment

3- Complete the following form

Complete the form and attach the files (Signed Waiver and Payment Receipt)

    Mark your primary and secondary position in the field.
    Marcá tu posición primaria y secundaria dentro del campo.
    Your first position in the field
    Tu posición primaria en el campo
    Your second position in the field
    Tu posición secundaria en el campo
    Name and Last Name
    Nombre y Apellido
    Date of Birth
    Fecha de Nacimiento
    Age (Under 18 years of age, will need an authorization from their parents signed by them or that join to the tryouts.)
    Edad (Menores de 18 años, necesitarán una autorización de los padres firmada por elloso que los acompañen al tryout.)
    Phone Number
    Número de Teléfono
    Previous Clubs (At least Two)
    Clubes Anteriores (al menos dos)
    Skillful Leg
    Pierna hábil
    Upload Signed Waiver (Page 2) Max File Size 3mb (Allowed Files: jpg | jpeg | gif | png | pdf)
    Adjunte Waiver Firmado (Hoja 2) Tamaño Máximo 3mb (Archivos Permitidos: jpg | jpeg | gif | png | pdf)

    Upload Payment Receipt Max File Size 3mb (Allowed Files: jpg | jpeg | gif | png | pdf)
    Adjunte Recibo de Pago Tamaño Máximo 3mb (Archivos Permitidos: jpg | jpeg | gif | png | pdf)

    *Documents must be correctly completed and signed.
    It will not be allowed to advance with the tryout if the requested information is not correct.

    *Preferably wear a shirt, shorts and soccer socks in these three color options: black, navy blue or white, for sports activity. We recommend also wearing shin guards.

    *When arrive present yourselve to the tryout, you must register and then you will receive the clothing to carry out the test.